March/April Funding News

City of Culture Free Training Opportunity

‘Bid Writing and Budgeting’

A free Bid Writing and Budgeting course, delivered by experienced bid writer and fundraiser Laura Drane. Do you have a specific project you want to develop? Want to learn more about different funding sources? Need help on how to write proposals or funding application forms? If so this is the course for you!


Find out more here - link)

Opportunity to be a part of Common Wealth Active Games

Coventry City Council have been successful in securing funds as part of the Commonwealth Active Communities, funding that is part of Sport England’s wider investment into the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games.

The aim of the funding is to tackle inactivity in local communities and engage underrepresented groups by delivering activities in parks and greenspaces, care homes and with street closures.

The vision is to deliver 22 street closure events across the City between May – September 2022.

In addition, there will be further opportunities for those organisations who wish to deliver continued hyper-local activity in streets and localities. This could be in the form of regular ‘Play Streets’ or other local activity decided by local people.

The street closure component of the work will focus on delivering sport, physical and wellbeing activities in a hyper local way in residential streets or areas. The aim is to support people to access sport and healthy lifestyle provision with the aim of reducing isolation and loneliness

To support with the process of the street closure, the Council will assist and provide relevant guidance. Further information and clarification on the street closure process will be provided to organisations following the Expression of interest stage.

The Council is looking to work with organisations based in Coventry that meet the following criteria:

  • Have a constitution.
  • Be based in Coventry and accountable to the community that you are predominantly delivering services to.
  • Be a not-for-profit third sector organisation – this includes voluntary and community organisations, co
    operatives and mutual societies, non-governmental organisations which are value driven to further social, environmental or cultural objectives.
  • Schools and educational establishments are also welcome to apply.
  • Be representative of the community you are intending to work with.

If your organisation does not meet the above criteria but wish to be involved in organising a community
event – please email

For more information and to submit an expression of interest, please complete this online form.
To request an offline copy or to discuss your application, please email

WMCA Green Grants

We have some very exciting news about funding for the green fingered groups amongst you.

West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) are set to release funding for local groups tackling "green deprivation" whilst also improving the environment.

They are looking for small bids between £3,000 and £25,000.

There are 3 themes to the funding

  1. Increasing or improving green spaces close to where people live.
  2. Connecting people to nature
  3. Enhancing the local environment

If you have a project in mind which will bring people together around growing and planting or if you want to ensure that the green space that is important to you is more accessible find out more about how to apply here.

Plant and Share Month

Our grants of £150 are here to help you and your community take part in Plant and Share Month.(External link)

Plant and Share Month is a celebration of growing your own food – and friendships - with the community.

From 20 April - 20 May, we are encouraging the nation to dig in and sow, grow and share with their communities.

Whether you’re growing in yoghurt pots for the first time or you’re a seasoned grower with an allotment, Plant and Share Month is for you. It’s easy to get involved:

  1. Plant your seeds – standard plant pots, milk bottles or even yoghurt pots work! Here’s how to upcycle a welly!(External link)
  2. Help them grow – head to our Plant and Share Toolkit for growing tips and tricks
  3. Share the seedlings, or the fruit and veg itself! Tell us who you shared them with on Facebook or Twitter using #FFLGetTogethers

Top Tips - Keep it simple!

  • Make your application as easy to read as possible - the people who are assessing your application may not have a lot of time or much knowledge of the work you do so being clear is key.
  • Avoid complicated wording or acronyms if funders understand what you are asking for and how you meet their criteria, they are much more likely to say yes to funding your activity.
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