May/June Funding News

Empowering Local Communities Grant

Grants are available to community groups in the UK to support a broad range of activities which can contribute towards transforming their community and improving the lives of people in their community. Support to help with the cost of living rise and for refugees is available.

Objectives of Fund

The purpose of the programme is to support projects and activities which are important to a community which benefit local people.

The programme is designed to support projects under four themes:

  • Building Resilient Communities.
  • Active Lives.
  • Seasonal Celebrations & Festivals.
  • Leading Healthier Lives.

Grants available are from £500 - £1500. The deadline for submission is the 19th August 2022. For further information click here.

One single application per year for funds available from the Heart Of England Community Foundation!

Following feedback from applicants we have developed a new application form. Applicants were involved in the design and testing phase.

The plan is that over the coming months we will use this form for the majority of our funds. For now we are testing it on a few funds to make sure it works properly.

The purpose of the single application is to take the responsibility of deciding what funding best meets your project requirements away from you and onto us. If you know which fund you are applying for there is a section in which you can let us know.

Available grants

The Graham Griffiths Fund - Max £3,000

Supporting projects tackling disadvantage through community initiatives.

Applications must meet one of the following aims:

• Projects that improve the quality of life for communities

• Projects that support improvements through a range of environmental initiatives

• Projects that support general community activity that promotes good health and well being

The Dulverton Trust Fund - Max £5,000

Supporting projects addressing local needs focusing on youth opportunities, general welfare, conservation or heritage.

Applications must meet one of the following priorities:

• Youth opportunities

• General welfare

• Conservation

• Heritage

Coventry, Solihull and Warwickshire Communities Fund - Max £2,000

Supporting projects tackling disadvantage or social exclusion.

The Foundation’s priorities this financial year are:

Youth Opportunities – including skills development, raising employment aspirations, positive engagement with communities

Health & wellbeing – including mental health, dementia, domestic abuse

Building Stronger & Cohesive Communities – including tackling loneliness & isolate, support for migrants, developing community connection and integrating together

For further information and other available grants from the Heart Of England Communities Fund, please click here.

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