February Funding News

WMCA Green Grants

We have some very exciting news about funding for the green fingered groups amongst you…

West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) are set to release funding for local groups in January.

They are looking for bids between £3,000 and £25,000.

There are 3 themes to the funding

  • Improving green spaces
  • Connecting people to nature
  • Enhance local improvements

If you have a project in mind which will bring people together around growing and planting or if you want to ensure that the green space that is important to you is more accessible for others look out for more information as we get it.

Severn Trent Support

Severn Trent’s very own Sue has agreed to provide 1 – 1 sessions for groups planning to apply for funding on offer – slots are fully booked but if demand is high Sue has kindly agreed to offer other opportunities to meet with her and get advice on your application. *This opportunity has now closed*

Funder of the month – Tudor Trust

Tudor trust is an independent grant making trust – They “want to support smaller groups, embedded in their communities, which work directly with people who are on the edges of mainstream society in ways which encourage inclusion, integration and independence.”

Their funding guidelines are broad because they want to support the work that groups really want to do. We seek to give those organisations we support the opportunity and practical tools to do the work that they know is needed. You must have a bank account and a constitution to be considered or be a registered charity.”Read more here

Top Tips – Keep it simple!

  • Make your application as easy to read as possible - the people who are assessing your application may not have a lot of time or much knowledge of the work you do so being clear is key.
  • Avoid complicated wording or acronyms if funders understand what you are asking for and how you meet their criteria, they are much more likely to say yes to funding your activity.

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