May 2024 Funding News

£ 60,000

Deadline 21/06/2024

Grants are available to small, local community organisations who are providing frontline services for women in England to manage the impact of the cost-of-living crisis.

Objectives of Fund

The programme will provide emergency funding for organisations delivering frontline services and is led by, for and/or serving women enabling them to respond to the spike in demand of priority basic needs from women who are most at risk of poverty, because of the cost-of-living-crisis.

The funding is for projects that meet at least one of the core objectives of the fund:

  • Frontline organisations led by and/or supporting women can respond to an identified increase in demand, brought on by the cost-of-living crisis.

  • Frontline organisations can meet the basic priority needs of women at most risk of poverty, because of the cost-of-living crisis.

  • Frontline organisations led by and/or supporting women will be strengthened during the cost-of-living crisis.

The programme will provide emergency funding which helps to meet the following objectives:

  • Women affected by the cost-of-living crisis and poverty gain confidence, tools, skills and support to build their financial resilience and improve their mental health.

  • Vital frontline jobs/roles and services will be protected or enhanced by additional funding enabling organisations led by and serving women to meet increased demand for their services.

Value Notes

Grants of between £15,000 and £60,000 over three years are available. This should be split across the three years, with a maximum of £20,000 per year.

Projects must start by November 2024 and all funds must be spent by November/December 2027.

This is a highly competitive fund. Round 1 received 475 applications with funding awarded to 63 organisations.

Who Can Apply

The following types of non-profit groups can apply:

  • Registered charities.

  • Charitable Incorporated Organisations (CIOs).

  • Charitable Trusts.

  • Co-operative Societies.

  • Community Benefit Societies.

  • Community Interest Companies limited by Guarantee.

  • Community Interest Companies limited by Shares.

  • Company limited by Guarantee.

  • Unincorporated organisations/associations.

To be eligible to apply, organisations must:

  • Be delivering frontline services which are led by, for and/or serving women.

  • Be responding to identified need and demand as a result of the cost-of-living crisis.

  • Be based in England, especially within the priority geographic areas.

  • Have an annual turnover of less than £1 million.

  • Have their own UK based bank account with at least two unrelated signatories.

  • Have their own management committee with at least three unrelated members.

  • Have a written governing document.

Priority will be given to organisations and/or services supporting the following groups:

  • Women experiencing racial inequality.

  • Women with No Recourse to Public Funds.

  • Women that are the sole parent to children under 18 years.

  • LGBTQ+ communities experiencing financial insecurity.

  • Disabled women (this can include women with long term health conditions)

  • Faith communities

  • Migrant women

  • Educationally/economically disadvantaged women

  • Older and younger women

  • Women who have experienced domestic violence, economic abuse or sexual abuse

  • Women that are care-experienced or care-givers

  • Women that have had contact with the criminal justice system

  • Women that have experience of homelessness or are currently homeless

  • Other specific groups.

At least 50% of grants will be committed to projects that support women experiencing racial inequality and/or disabled women.

Applications from smaller organisations are encouraged.

Applications from partnerships will be accepted.

Eligible Expenditure

The aim of the funding is to protect essential services for women most impacted by poverty and the cost-of-living crisis.

The fund can cover the following types of costs:

  • Emergency support and to meet the priority basic needs of women in the community through, for example, normal charitable support including welfare packs, food or clothing (these should be purchased by the organisation to distribute to women in their community, using their usual policy and processes).

  • Dedicated organisational capacity development.

  • Staff salaries.

  • Project activities.

  • Running costs.

  • Equipment.

  • Organisational development.

  • Contributions to fixed costs.

How To Apply

Round 2 is a two-stage application process:

  • Stage 1: Complete an online Expression of Interest Form by the deadline of 21 June 2024 (5pm).

  • Stage 2: Smallwood will invite around 100 organisations to submit a full application

Full guidance notes, FAQs and an online Expression of Interest form can be found on the Smallwood Trust website.

Groups can also submit their Expression of Interest as a video or audio file.

Contact Smallwood Trust for more information.

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£ 75,000

Deadline: 27/06/2024

Grants for constituted, not-for-profit organisations and local authorities for projects that make improvements to community facilities and the natural environment that are located near a qualifying Veolia site in England.

Objectives of Fund

The Trust currently offers three grant schemes:

  • Community Grants are for constituted, not-for-profit organisations and local authorities to create or improve community buildings or outside spaces for the benefit of the community.

  • Environmental Improvement Grants are for Environmental Bodies that are enrolled with ENTRUST, the regulator of The Landfill Communities Fund, and are a registered charity. Grants are available to enable landscape scale improvement projects such as habitat creation/management, and/or species protection.

  • Habitat and Biodiversity Grants are for constituted, not-for-profit organisations that are enrolled with ENTRUST to support structural improvements to a single habitat, such as a waterway, woodland, or nature reserve.

The funder is looking for projects that:

  • Protect and enhance biodiversity and natural habitats

  • Inspire the creation of a sustainable carbon neutral space.

  • Promote community action and wellbeing.

  • Are inclusive and accessible to everyone and anyone to use.

Value Notes

Three different grants are available:

Community grants of between £10,000 and £75,000 for:

  • Projects with a total cost of no more than £350,000 (including VAT and professional costs).

  • Projects where the 10% Contributing Third Party (CTP) payment has been secured.

Habitat and Biodiversity Grants of between £10,000 and £75,000 for:

  • Projects with a total cost of no more than £350,000 (including VAT and professional costs).

  • Projects where the 10% Contributing Third Party (CTP) payment has been secured.

Environmental Improvement Grants start at £75,000. There is no upper limit. CTP payment is applicable.

Grants will be paid by BACS transfer in three separate payments.

Match Funding Restrictions

Match funding of at least 10% is required for projects before the full application is submitted.

For all awards, an independent third party contributor will need to reimburse the landfill operator the 10% shortfall to release the grant. This contribution can be made by another funder, a local council or an individual.

Who Can Apply

Community grant applications will be accepted from:

  • Constituted not-for-profit organisations with governing documents that state members or directors receive no financial benefit, have a minimum of two directors, and have been established for a minimum of two years.

  • Local authorities.

Applicants must use the Postcode Checker(External link) to check that their project is located within the proximity of a qualifying Veolia site.

Habitat and Biodiversity Grant applications will be accepted from:

  • Constituted not-for-profit organisations with governing documents with at least two unrelated trustees that has been established for a minimum of two years.

  • Environmental bodies already enrolled with ENTRUST.

To be eligible for an Environmental Improvement Grant, organisations must:

  • Be already enrolled with ENTRUST as an Environmental Body, and a registered charity.

  • Have experience of delivering projects funded through the Landfill Communities Fund (LCF).

  • Have a track record proven expertise in delivering similar successful environmental improvement projects.

  • Have a project located in England that meets ENTRUST requirements.

Eligible Expenditure

Community Grant Funding is available for capital improvement projects at a single site with discrete start and end dates.

Funding can be used for the construction and/or improvement of buildings or outdoor spaces, such as:

  • Physical improvement to a building or outdoor space with public access, such as community centre or space, public park, play area, skate park, MUGA, sports ground, woodland, nature reserve, community garden, public right of way, inland waterway

  • Fixed items, including kitchen cupboards and worksurfaces, boilers and radiators, windows and doors, toilets, and fencing.

Funded projects must be completed within 12 months of the start date.

Habitat and Biodiversity Grant Funding is for projects resulting in structural improvements for a single habitat, such as woodland or nature reserve to improve natural habitats and help native species thrive.

Funding can be used for:

  • Physical improvement works that result in habitat improvements and/or increase biodiversity.

  • Staff costs that directly relate to completing the physical improvements at the project site.

  • Equipment required for project delivery.

Funded projects must be completed within 12 months of the start date.

Environmental Improvement Grants are for ambitious and imaginative projects which will make a local, regional, national and global impact on the environment by:

  • Protecting and expanding threatened habitats.

  • Protecting and increasing biodiversity.

  • Having the widest impact on the environment.

  • Monitoring, assessing and promoting the impact.


Within the proximity of a qualifying Veolia site in England. link)

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£1000, £3000 or £6000

Application deadline: 06/06/2024

Grants are available for National Digital Inclusion Network members to boost their digital inclusion support offer.

Objectives of Fund

The funding is for National Digital Inclusion Network members to reduce digital barriers faced by people living locally or using their services.

The Network is free and open to any organisation that wants to or is already delivering digital support for people.

The £1 million Fix The Digital Divide Fund offers the following grants at different times during the year, which are only available to their Network members, with full details available once the grant scheme opens for application:

  • Digital Inclusion Capability Grants for hubs in the Network to build their capacity to provide digital inclusion support.

  • Digital Inclusion Impact Grants for hubs to provide digital inclusion support to more members of their local communities, predominantly skills via Learn My Way and access to data through the National Databank.

Value Notes

Grants range in value:

  • Activation Grants of £1,000.

  • Impact Grants of £3,000 (to support 60-90 people) or £6,000 (to support 120-150 people).

Who Can Apply

The Network is free and open to any organisation that wants to or is already delivering digital support for people.

Capability Grant applications will be accepted from organisations from across the UK who have some experience delivering digital inclusion support already and who want to develop their inclusion offer.

Impact Grant applications will be accepted from organisations from across the UK who have experience delivering digital inclusion support already and want to expand their digital inclusion offer.

Groups cannot apply for a Capability Grant and an Impact Grant at the same time.

Eligible Expenditure

The Capability grants support the further development of the organisation’s capacity to deliver digital inclusion support and ultimately help more people to either gain digital skills or access free mobile data.

The Impact grant is aimed at funding new proposals that support organisations to reach and support the hardest to reach members of their community.

How To Apply

Applications are currently being accepted for Impact Grants and Capability Grants with a deadline of 6 June 2024.

Grant guidance, further descriptions and the application form for each of the grants can be found on the Good Things Foundation website

Information on how to become a National Digital Inclusion Network member (which is free) can be found on the Good Things Foundation website. The joining application needs to be submitted at least five business days before the deadline of any funding round.

Contact the Good Things Foundation for further information.

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£ 10,000

Application deadline: 16/06/2024

Grants are available for non-profit community groups and registered charities in specific wards within the West Midlands to help increase walking and cycling in their communities.

Objectives of Fund

The funding is intended to empower communities within the Cycling for Everyone Wards to deliver walking, wheeling, and cycling activities.

The aims are to benefit people and increase access to active travel, and engaging one or more of the following priority audiences:

  • Children (16 years old and under).

  • Families.

  • Women.

  • Disabled people.

  • Ethnic minority groups.

Value Notes

Grants of up to £10,000 are available.

Projects need to start within a month of application approval and be completed by 15 September 2024.

Payment will be made 50% up front and the remaining 50% upon purchase of the items and/or activity. VAT will be excluded from grant payments.

Who Can Apply

Applications will be accepted from:

  • Formally constituted clubs, associations, or trusts

  • Registered charities

  • Social enterprises

  • Company Limited by Shares

  • Company (limited by guarantee)

  • Registered CASC

  • Community Interest Companies

  • Unregistered clubs or associations.

Faith groups are welcome to apply as long as the funded activity is not used to promote the religious beliefs of the organisations.

To be eligible, applicants must:

  • Have a written constitution or governing document which sets out the rules on how the organisation is run.

  • Be a not-for-profit organisation

  • Have an organisation committee or Board that includes three or more unrelated or cohabiting members with an equitable distributed decision making/voting rights.

  • Have appropriate organisational safeguarding policies and procedures, including separate policies for children and adults at risk.

Eligible Expenditure

The funding needs to support walking, wheeling, and cycling activities.

Examples include but are not limited to:

  • Equipment, including bikes (for loan), cargo bikes (for loan), helmets, locks, lights, walking boots, umbrellas, maps.

  • Led walk-and-ride training to encourage the community to enjoy their local path.

  • Access to bike maintenance training, learn-to-ride training, walk leader training, and other forms of training to build walking and cycling capacity.

Groups are encouraged to suggest their own ideas of how the funding could be used to get more people out cycling, walking, and wheeling.

The funding is to be used for direct project costs, such as:

  • Equipment hire / purchase

  • Coaches fees / expenses

  • Hire of facilities

  • Promotion / publicity

  • Staff costs

  • Transport / travel

  • Other expenditure.


Organisations applying for a grant must be in one of the following wards:

  • Local Authority Coventry. Wards: Foleshill, Longford, Canley (Westwood ward), Henley, Willenhall (Binley/ Willenhall). Lower Stoke.

How To Apply

Guidance notes, FAQs and the application form can be found on the Sustrans website.

The deadline for applications is 16 June 2024 (23:59).

Applications will be reviewed by Transport of West Midlands and relevant Local Authority colleagues on an ongoing basis.

Notification of decisions to successful applicants is expected the week of 24 June 2024.

Project delivery, monitoring and reporting will need to be completed by 15 September 2024.

Contact Sustrans for further information.

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£ 150,000 | Application deadline: 20/06/2024

Free independent energy assessments and/or capital grants are available for voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations delivering frontline services in England to improve the energy efficiency of their buildings.

Objectives of Fund

This scheme offers voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations (VCSE) based in England the opportunity to apply for a free Independent Energy Assessment (IEA), a comprehensive evaluation of their building’s energy usage, efficiency and potential for energy savings.

The IEA will be carried out by a team of independent energy assessors who will work with successful applicants to help identify energy-saving opportunities in their building.

In addition, those who qualify may apply for a capital grant which can be used to install capital energy efficiency measures, identified in the applicant’s IEA, to reduce their building’s energy costs and support the delivery of their frontline services.

Value Notes

A total of £25.5 million is available.

The scheme offers:

  • Free independent energy assessments

  • Option of capital grants of between £2,000 and £150,000

All funds must be spent and projects completed by March 2025.

Who Can Apply

To be eligible for an Independent Energy Assessment, applicants must be:

  • A single applicant with charitable, benevolent or philanthropic purposes. If the organisation distributes surpluses to individuals such as members or shareholders, they must have an asset lock and reinvest a minimum of 51% into charitable, benevolent, or philanthropic purposes. In addition, the organisation must have one of the following legal structures/statuses:

    • Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO)

    • Community Benefit Society (CBS)

    • Trust

    • Unincorporated Association

    • Co-operative society

    • Community Interest Company (CIC)

    • Company Limited by Guarantee (CLG)

    • Company Limited by Shares (CLS)

  • Based and operating in England.

  • Delivering frontline services or managing a building as a hub that delivers multiple frontline services.

  • Able to evidence a need for energy efficiency support.

  • Financially sustainable, and likely to continue operating for at least the next two years.

  • Able to upload their organisation’s governance document, last set of annual accounts and, if available, their building’s energy bills from 1 October 2022 to 30 September 2023.

To be eligible for a Capital Grant (in addition to the above), applicants must:

  • Have been operating for at least two years.

  • Have an existing IEA that identifies capital energy efficiency measures, includes potential cost savings, has been completed within the past two years and was conducted by a qualified and experienced independent energy assessor.

  • Provide evidence that the energy efficiency measure(s) being requested will enhance their financial resilience and support the delivery of their frontline services.

  • Have a long-term arrangement with their premises, either owning the building or having a minimum of two years left on their lease and be able to provide documents evidencing this.

  • If they have a lease, have the building owner’s permission to carry out the capital works and they must complete the Building Owners Permission Form.

The scheme’s intended outcome is to support diverse organisation types and ensure a good geographic and demographic spread of funding, so these are also factors that will be considered during assessment.

If the scheme is oversubscribed, priority will be given to:

  • Organisations directly supporting individuals and communities with critical needs, particularly those related to the rising cost of living.*

  • Organisations for whom energy is the biggest concern.

  • Micro, small and medium-sized organisations. Priority will be given to organisations with an income of less than £1 million per year.

*Examples include:

  • Services that address poverty, including by providing food, warmth, emergency supplies or personal grants.

  • Shelter, accommodation and housing for those most in need.

  • Advice services for people experiencing financial, housing or legal challenges.

  • Services that address specific physical and mental health issues (such as disability, addiction and dementia).

  • Education, training and employment services that improve employability.

  • Community hubs or centres, out of which a number of these services operate.

Full details can be found in the guidance notes.

Eligible Expenditure

Capital Grants can be used to install capital energy efficiency measures, identified in the applicant’s IEA, to reduce their building’s energy costs and support the delivery of their frontline services.

How To Apply

The guidance notes, frequently asked questions and eligibility checker can be found on the Groundwork UK website.

The first step in the application process is for groups to use the online eligibility checker to see if they are eligible to apply for the cost and delivery of an Independent Energy Assessment (IEA).

Those who are successful will be matched up with an independent energy assessor who will assess the building and help identify energy-saving opportunities.

Applications for IEAs are currently open with notification of decisions within 15 working days. The deadline for Independent Energy Assessment applications is 20 June 2024.

Groups are encouraged to apply as early as they can to ensure their independent energy assessment is completed and satisfactory, and they have sufficient time if they decide to apply for a Capital Grant.

The deadline for Capital Grant applications is 14 August 2024.

Webinars will be held for each Capital Grant round. The next webinars will be held for the spring and summer rounds with bookings via the Groundwork UK website.

The scheme will close to IEA and Capital Grant applications on 30 August 2024.

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£ 5,000

Application deadline: 27/06/2024

Grants are available to community groups, charities and social enterprises for environmental projects across the UK.

Objectives of Fund

The funding aims to support specific UK-based environmental, conservation and community renewable energy projects.

The theme for the current round is soil health.

Who Can Apply

Applications are accepted from a range of UK based organisations, including charities, social enterprises, voluntary organisations, small grassroots community groups and businesses.

To be eligible, the organisation and/or project must:

  • Be entirely based in the UK.

  • Have a website or social media presence.

Eligible Expenditure

Funding supports small environmental projects across the UK.

The latest round of funding is targeted towards projects and initiatives working to combat the problem of soil degradation, the way land is managed and increasing soil organic matter levels in UK arable and horticultural soils in the next 20 years.

How To Apply

Applications are open for the May to June application window. The funding window will close 27 June 2024 (12 noon).

The Trust operates three funding windows per year:

  • January to February.

  • May to June.

  • September to October.

The guidelines and online application form can be found on the Naturesave Trust website.

Contact Naturesave Trust for further information.

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Discretionary (average £3,500) | Application deadline

Grants are available to local charitable organisations working with young people aged up to 25 years in England and Wales.

Objectives of Fund

The funding is intended for local organisations with charitable aims that are working with young people from 0 to 25 years of age in England and Wales.

There is particular interest in projects that lead to employment, accreditation, further education, training and integration. The Fund looks for innovation and entrepreneurship. The panel looks for strong evidence of how closely applicants consult young people in developing their service, and for any community involvement or local financial support.

Who Can Apply

Applications will be accepted from the following organisations provided they have charitable aims:

  • Organisations set up as Community Interest Companies, or a recognised Social Enterprise that can demonstrate that they have clear charitable purposes and that their work has a defined social benefit.

  • Faith based organisations as long as the grant benefits the wider community and is not intended to influence people’s religious choices or promote a particular belief system.

  • National charities with a base in the area and a significant local presence can apply if the grant is for the benefit of local people. However, priority is given to small, local organisations.

  • Schools seeking funding for activities that are outside the scope of statutory provision.

To be eligible, applicants must have:

  • A written constitution/set of rules that sets out the organisation’s purpose, and how it is managed.

  • A list of those involved in running the organization, including trustees if appropriate.

  • A copy of their most recent annual accounts or financial records showing the balance of funds, income and expenditure. If they do not have financial records that cover a full year, they will need to provide what records they have currently.

  • A bank account in the name of the organisation with at least two signatories, and original bank statements. Alternatively, small organisation that do not have a bank account could ask another charitable organisation to look after the funds for them as long as they provide written authorisation from the organisation that will do this.

  • A safeguarding policy if the organisation works directly with children or vulnerable adults.

  • An equal opportunities policy if the organisation employs staff.

Eligible Expenditure

The grants can be used for running costs, both project and core costs, as well as capital costs.

How To Apply

Applications can be made throughout the year. The Trustees meet three times per annum to consider applications. Contact the Foundation's office for the date of the next meeting.

General grant guidelines and online application form can be found on the Herefordshire Community Foundation website.

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