June 2024 Funding News


Deadline: 7/7/2024

Grants are available for small, locally based voluntary and community groups to support projects which benefit local communities around Co-op food stores and funeral homes across the UK or the Isle of Man.

Who Can Apply

Applications will be accepted from the following types of organisations:

  • A church or chapel that is an excepted charity.
  • Charity registered in the UK or Isle of Man.
  • Community Benefit Society (CBS).
  • Community Interest Company (CIC).
  • Co-operative Society.
  • Credit Union.
  • Social Enterprise.
  • Scouts, Guides or Woodcraft Folk groups.
  • Any other group that can prove they are not-for-profit.

Organisations must have their own bank account to be eligible for funding.

Useful links

Co-op Local Community Fund
https://causes.coop.co.uk/(External link)

Energy Redress Scheme - Small Project Fund

£20,000 - £49,000 - Deadline: 8/7/24

Small Project Fund offers grants of between £20,000 and £49,999 for projects that will support households in vulnerable situations.

Grants are available to registered charities for projects supporting people in or at risk of fuel poverty across England, Scotland and Wales.

Projects lasting up to two years can be funded.

The funding is for projects that:

  • Support energy consumers in vulnerable situations.
  • Deliver benefits to the types of consumers that were negatively impacted by the specific issues that triggered the Redress payment.

Examples of the kind of activities that can be funded through the Energy Redress Scheme include:

  • Engaging vulnerable consumers with energy issues and delivering energy advice and support that does not duplicate existing services.
  • Installation of energy saving or renewable energy measures that cannot be funded from other sources.
  • Training and education on energy issues that are targeted at supporting vulnerable consumers.
  • Crisis support, linked to energy bills or the energy efficiency of a property, only as part of a wider energy advice project aimed at providing sustainable change for a client.

Useful links

Energy Saving Trust - Energy Redress Scheme
https://energyredress.org.uk/about-us(External link)


Deadline: 8/7/24

Grants are available for charitable organisations across the United Kingdom to deliver projects and activities that support marginalised people, including women, young people, and refugees, and help build resilience to poverty.

Who Can Apply

Organisations with charitable purposes can apply, such as:

  • Local community groups and/or faith-based organisations.
  • Charities (including local branches of national charities) acting for the benefit of the local community.
  • Voluntary and community organisations.
  • Registered charities, including charitable incorporated organisations.
  • Registered not-for-profit companies.
  • Registered community interest companies.

Applicants must be constituted and have an organisational bank account.

Groups must provide:

  • Trustee/directors/senior employee(s) information.
  • Their bank account details.
  • Their organisational structure.
  • A certified copy of their registration/incorporation.

Useful links

Islamic Relief - Grants Programme

(External link)£2500

Deadline : 8/7/24

Grants are available once a year to UK registered charities and charitable organisations across the UK that are seeking to help specific groups of people move towards paid employment.

Who Can Apply

Applications are accepted from the following:

  • UK registered charities.
  • Charitable Incorporated Organisations (CIO) or Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisations (SCIO).
  • Organisations with a governing document showing a clear charitable aim/purpose as defined by the Charity Commission for England and Wales.

To be eligible, applicants must:

  • Have a turnover under £500,000 per annum.
  • Work with one or more of the following groups
    1. The recently homeless or vulnerably housed.
    2. Ex-offenders.
    3. 16-24 years olds not in employment, education or training.
  • Be able to show that they increase the employability of their beneficiaries.
  • Be able to supply at least one year of independently verified accounts.

Useful links

The Society Foundation
https://society-foundation.org/about(External link)

National Grid Community Matters Fund

Future Skills


Deadline: 10/7/24

Grants are available for charities and not-for-profit organisations to deliver practical, focused programmes to boost skills and improve employability for those furthest from the job market in communities in the Midlands, South West England and South Wales where National Grid distributes electricity.

Who Can Apply

The following types of organisations may apply:

  • Registered charities.
  • Non-profit companies limited by guarantee.
  • Constituted charitable organisations with no charity number.

Organisations must be based and projects must be delivered in the National Grid's electricity distribution area in one of the following regions:

  • East Midlands.
  • West Midlands.
  • South West England.
  • South Wales.

Applicants can confirm they are eligible by using the National Grid postcode checker

The following funding limits are in place for applicants:

  • Registered charities or non-profit companies limited by guarantee can apply for up to £5,000
  • Constituted charitable organisations with no charity number can apply for up to £2,000.

Useful links

Localgiving: National Grid - Community Matters Fund
https://localgiving.org/community-matters-fund-2024-future-skills(External link)


Deadline: 17/7/24

Grants are available to smaller charities operating across the spectrum of social need in the UK. The Trustees seek to help and improve the quality of life of people in the UK, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds. This is achieved by making grants, within budget, to registered charities for the benefit of young people, disabled people, elderly people, the terminally ill and otherwise disadvantaged people and their carers.

Who Can Apply

Small to mid-sized UK registered charities that are based and working in the UK can apply.

Applicants may apply if they have not received a grant from the Foundation within the previous two years (or submitted an unsuccessful application within the last 12 months).

Useful links

Hedley Foundation
https://www.hedleyfoundation.org.uk(External link)


deadline: 26/7/24

Grants are available through a partnership programme to support not-for-profit organisations with local community projects that address social welfare and environmental issues.

The programme is designed to create a partnership of support to community groups, operating within two miles of a One Stop store, who are working to:

  • Tackle food poverty.
  • Support the vulnerable.
  • Support the elderly.
  • Support low income families.
  • Running youth sports teams.
  • Reducing/recycling waste
  • Improving the environment

Who Can Apply

The following organisations may apply:

  • Voluntary and community organisations.
  • Registered charities.
  • Schools.
  • Health bodies.
  • Parish/Town councils.
  • Social enterprises.
  • Community Interest Companies (running for a minimum of two years).
  • Community councils.
  • Local authorities.
  • Housing organisations.

Applications from organisations such as women's refuges, food banks, hospices, homeless charities, charities supporting the elderly or children are typically welcome. However, this list is not exhaustive and other organisational types will be funded.

Useful links

Groundwork - One Stop Community Partnership
https://www.groundwork.org.uk/one-stop-community-partnership/(External link)

One Stop Community Partnership Programme
https://www.onestop.co.uk/community-partnership-page/(External link)

Asda Foundation - Investing in Spaces and Places Grant


Deadline: 28/7/24

Grants are available for small, local groups in the UK to improve community spaces and places where local people can be together and thrive.

Who Can Apply

Applications are accepted from grassroots, community-led organisations in the UK, including registered charities, CICs, companies, unincorporated club or association, small community groups or government entity/public body.

To be eligible, applicants must:

  • Be not-for-profit.
  • Have an annual income of less than £100,000.
  • Have community groups of people as their end beneficiaries.
  • Have a presence locally with work that benefits their local community.
  • Have unrestricted reserves below £100,000, unless they can provide an explanation.
  • Have a bank account in the group’s name and be able to provide proof.
  • Have suitable governance to be able to manage the grant.
  • Have the ability to report back on progress throughout the project.
  • Be able to show clear positive impacts for communities.

Since the Asda Foundation does not accept nominations or applications sent directly from community groups, applications must be submitted to a Community Champion from an Asda superstore.

To be eligible, applicants must either:

  • Own and have full responsibility for the upkeep and maintenance of the building/space; or
  • Have a lease of over five years and full responsibility for upkeep and maintenance.

The funder is looking for groups that are:

  • Committed to the community mission.
  • People-centred and they promote equality, inclusivity and diversity.
  • Efficiently run.
  • Locally focused with spaces that are focused on the local community, delivering services and support to multiple beneficiaries.

Useful links

Asda Foundation Grants
https://www.asdafoundation.org/foundation-grants(External link)


deadline: 30/7/24

Grants are available for not-for-profit women’s and girls’ organisations delivering frontline services in the UK addressing male violence against women and girls.

Who Can Apply

Not-for-profit organisations may apply.

To be eligible, they must:

  • Be a women’s and/or girls’ organisation. Rosa defines women’s and girls’ organisations as those which are run by, for and with women and girls. This means that organisations will be governed and led by women, with the main object of working with women and girls.
  • Be an organisation delivering a frontline service to women and/or girls who have been affected by male violence and abuse including (but not limited to) domestic violence, coercive control, rape, sexual abuse, forced marriage, ‘honour’ based violence, Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), sexual harassment, economic and financial abuse.
  • Undertake activities which are charitable, legal and for the benefit of women and/or girls (but organisations do not need to be registered charities).
  • Have an income of between £100,000 and £500,000 from their last set of accounts.
  • Have unrestricted reserves of no more than 12 months expenditure.
  • Have a written governing document.
  • Have a governing body with at least three unrelated members.
  • Have a UK-based bank or building society account in the name of the organisation, with at least two unrelated signatories.
  • Have an appropriate safeguarding policy in place.
  • Deliver all their work in one or more of the four UK Nations: England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.

Priority will be given to organisations which are:

  • Led by and for Black and minoritised women and girls.
  • Led by and for women and girls with disabilities.
  • Led by and for LGBTQ+ women and girls.
  • Operating in the top 10% of the most disadvantaged areas in the UK – based on the Indices of Multiple Deprivation (IMD).
  • Based in Scotland, Wales, or Northern Ireland.

Useful links

Rosa - Stand With Us Fund
https://rosauk.org/our-programmes/stand-with-us/(External link)

(External link)


deadline: 31/7/24

A limited number of grants are available to small to medium-sized UK not-for-profit organisations that deliver activities which make a lasting impact on how people think, behave and manage their money.

Who Can Apply

Applications will be accepted from UK registered charities, community interest companies (CICs), credit union, not-for-profit companies limited by guarantee, and social enterprise companies.

To be eligible, applicants must be based in the UK, looking for funding for UK based activities, and have:

  • An annual income of less than £750,000and less than six months free reserves.
  • Been established and active for at least 18 months.
  • Unrestricted reserves that are less than six months of their running costs.
  • A governing document (a constitution, rules, or articles of association)
  • A governing body of at least three unconnected individuals
  • A bank account in the group’s name with at least two unconnected signatories required to authorise payments.
  • An Equal Opportunities Policy
  • A Child Protection Policy or Vulnerable Adults Policy, as appropriate.

Community interest companies and social enterprise organisations must have a governing document which shows the name, aim/purpose, objects of the group, including a dissolution clause - what happens if the group ceases to function. This clause should show that they are a not-for-profit group by confirming that any assets remaining after all debts are paid will be given to another voluntary group with similar aims. This document should also include details of their Trustees or management committee.

Useful links

MSE Charity

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