March Funding News

Magic Little Grants Fund


One-off grants of up to £500 are available in 2023.

The application is a simple 20-minute process for a £500 grant and an outcome within six weeks. The following criteria apply:

  • Organisations must either be in their first year of operation or have an annual income under £250,000.

  • Funding can be used to launch new projects, support existing ones, or cover core costs associated with ongoing work.

  • Organisations and the projects for which they apply must be located within England, Scotland, or Wales,

Start your application or find the answers to any questions!

Community Energy Fund£2,000

The Community Energy Warwickshire Fund is a grant programme for projects in Warwickshire, Coventry and Solihull looking to improve their energy efficiency.

There are grants of up to £2,000 available and aims to fund projects that:

• Support the development and installation of renewable energy projects
• Encourage the sustainable use of energy and reductions in carbon emissions
• Promote public awareness of environmental issues and support educational initiatives
• Encourage the implementation of sustainable initiatives to community buildings

Find out how to apply

Help the Homeless Grant


Help the Homeless provides funding for charitable organisations with the aim of helping homeless people return to the community and enabling them to rebuild their lives.

Funding is targeted at projects to find practical ways to help disadvantaged individuals return to the community through training or residential facility provision, rather than merely providing short term shelter.

The reasons for being homeless vary enormously, but may include ill-health, those who are discharged offenders, addictions, family breakdown or other adverse circumstances. Homelessness is not just about the people that the public sees and thinks about – principally “rough sleepers” living on the streets – but a whole range of people who lack a stable home.

  • Your organisation must be registered with the Charity Commission in England, Wales or Northern Ireland or a registered Scottish Charity.

  • We are able to help only small charities with an annual turnover of less than £500,000.

  • We can only accept applications towards the funding of capital projects. We are unable to accept applications towards running/core costs. Note: we are also unable to consider requests for computers and IT equipment.

  • We provide small grants of up to £5,000. We do not consider multi-year requests.

Community Recovery and Support Grant

The purpose of the Community Recovery and Support Grant is to help local community and voluntary groups that are supporting people and communities respond to the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic.

It aims to support organisations recovery whilst being flexible to the needs of each group and help support groups to become more resilient and sustainable. Read more about the criteria and how to apply by clicking here or contact a member of the team at

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