April Funding News

Lloyds Racial Equity Grants

£75,000 over three years (£25,000 per year)

Deadline: 31 May 2023 (5pm).

The funding is for organisations who are led by the communities they serve and alongside providing immediate crisis support and working with people over the longer term to help them break free from poverty and achieve their potential. They are particularly looking to fund:

  • In-depth services – delivering a range of services supporting individuals through a structured pathway over a prolonged period. This could include services to overcome immediate needs but will also lead to longer-term support.

  • Personal plans – working together with the people they support to understand the challenges they may be experiencing and agree on how to help them find a way to overcome them.

Charities, CIOs and CICs are welcome to apply provided they have an annual income of between £25,000 and £500,000 in the last set of published accounts.

Applications will be considered in a panel on 4 October 2023.

Start your application now!

Grants of £2,000 and £10,000 are available.

Deadline: 24 May 2023.

The Fund aims to support registered charities and community groups working in the areas of health and wellbeing, education, equality and climate action in the West Midlands and Warwickshire.

Grants can be used for salary, equipment or volunteer costs (only during the project) and a wide variety of purposes including consumables, project or activity costs.

Some things to be aware of:

  • Funding must be spent within one year.
  • The application value must be no more than 20% of the organisation's annual income.
  • The organisation must have:
    • An annual income of less than £500,000.

    • Have been running for at least two years.

    • A management committee/board of trustees/board of directors with at least three unrelated people as members.

    • A written constitution/articles/set of rules.

    • A safeguarding policy (if working with children or vulnerable adults) and an equal opportunities policy.

Start your application or find more information

National Grid Community Matters Fund

- Green Spaces -

Up to £10,000 for registered charities or non-profit companies limited by guarantee.

Up to £2,000 for constituted charitable organisations with no charity number.

Deadline: 12 May 2023

The funding is intended for local community projects that focus on the use of green spaces to bring communities together, encourage more wildlife and biodiversity, improve air quality, reduce noise and deliver health benefits as well as creating employment and volunteering opportunities.

Projects should relate to one of the following themes:

  • Tree planting and biodiversity.

  • Improving accessibility of green space.

  • Developing new or improving/expanding green space.

  • Addressing litter and pollution issues..

  • Green skills and education about the local environment.

Projects can commence from June 2023 but all projects must be completed and funding spent by 31 December 2023.

The following types of organisations may apply:

  • Registered charities.

  • Non-profit companies limited by guarantee.

  • Constituted charitable organisations with no charity number.

Applicants will be notified of decisions by end of May 2023.

Find project inspiration, start your application or read the FAQs

Women's Urgent Support Fund

£15,000 to £60,000 across three years

Deadline: 19 May 2023 (5pm)

The programme will provide emergency funding which helps to meet the following objectives:

  • Women affected by the cost-of-living crisis and poverty gain confidence, tools, skills and support to build their financial resilience and improve their mental health.

  • Vital frontline jobs/roles and services are safeguarded or enhanced by the additional funding, allowing organisations to meet the increased need for their services.

There is also a focus on supporting organisations working with women from these key client groups:

  • Women experiencing racial inequality

  • Disabled women

  • Women with No Recourse to Public Funds

  • Women that are the sole parent to children under 18 years

  • LGBTQ+ communities experiencing financial insecurity

The funds can cover:

  • Provision of goods to meet basic needs.

  • Dedicated organisational capacity development.

  • Staff salaries.

  • Project activities.

  • Running costs.

  • Equipment.

  • Contributions to fixed costs.

To be eligible to apply, organisations must:

  • Be delivering frontline services which are led by and for women.

  • Be responding to identified need and demand as a result of the cost-of-living crisis.

  • Have an annual income of less than £1 million.

There will be information webinars for the fund on the following days:

  • 24 May 2023, 1-2pm

  • 26 May 2023, 1-2pm

  • 4 May 2023, 10-11am

  • 12 May 2023, 3-4pm

Application decisions are expected in July 2023.

Find application guidance and register for the webinars

The Phoenix Way

Children and Youth Emergency Round

Up to £20,000 is available.

Deadline for Round One: 8 May 2023 (midnight).

Round One is a £1 million emergency fund for Black and racially minoritised community organisations working with children and young people at risk of becoming involved in violence that have or will suffer disruption to their programmes due to the current inflation and cost of living crises.

Round One will support registered, unregistered, incorporated, unincorporated, and/or non-constituted or newly formed groups that:

  • Are led by representatives of Black and racially minoritised communities and work within these communities (at least 70% of their leadership, volunteers, and beneficiaries are from Black or racially minoritised communities).

  • Work with participants and communities that are primarily 18 or under and are at high risk of becoming involved in violence.

  • Have an annual operating budget of up to £150,000 per year.

  • Are located and work in England.

  • Need additional financial support due to the cost-of-living crisis.

This funding is particularly open to:

  • Organisations and groups that take an asset-based approach to their work with children and young people, such as:

    • Using trust-based, relationship-driven ways of working.

    • Amplifying and partnering with children and young people to shape their organisation.

    • Recognising and valuing the strengths and possibilities of the children and young people they work with.

  • Organisations and groups that prioritise children and young people that are most impacted by systemic issues

  • Organisations or groups that have been impacted by the cost-of-living crisis

Take a look at the information on the funding focus criteria

Local School Nature Grants Programme

This is not a cash grant!

Deadline: 28 April 2023 (round 1)

9th June (round 2)

8th September (round 3)

10th November (round 4)

Learning Through Landscapes is offering outdoor learning training sessions and nature equipment for nurseries, schools, and other early-learning providers to promote outdoor learning for children.

The Local School Nature Grants Scheme will provide a two-hour outdoor learning training session, along with an assortment of equipment up to the value of £500, including but limited to:

  • Woodland activity kits.

  • Growing kits.

  • Seed packs.

  • Gardening equipment.

  • Pollinator kits.

  • Solar light kits.

  • Wildlife watching kits.

  • Fireboxes.

Priority will be given to applicants that include children in the decision-making process, such as through student councils or eco-committees.

Apply for the grant

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