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At the end of November 2019 there were a total of 655 households living in Temporary Accommodation (TA) provided by Coventry City Council: 413 were families and 242 were single people. Temporary Accommodation used by the Council includes:B&Bs and hotels, hostels, private rented homes and Housing Association homes.
Households placed into TA do not currently contribute towards the rental and Council Tax costs or the utilities (gas, water and electricity) they use. The Council also meet the full cost of storage of personal belongings.
The Housing and Homelessness service reported an overspend of £3 million in 2018/19, despite an additional £2.7 Million of resource. This overspend is set to increase unless the Council undertakes a range of activities to both reduce spend and increase income.
The Council are considering, and would like to consult on, the introduction of a 'Temporary Accommodation Charging Policy'. The proposed policy contains the following elements:
Utilities and Council Tax: Making households in Temporary Accommodation responsible for the Council Tax and the utilities they use.
Storage: Households in temporary accommodation will pay to store their belongings.
Licence Fee: Households who are not entitled to full housing benefit because they work and/or have ‘excess income’ will be asked to make an affordable contribution towards the rent, through a licence fee.
The consultation has now concluded. Updates will be posted on this page in the future.
At the end of November 2019 there were a total of 655 households living in Temporary Accommodation (TA) provided by Coventry City Council: 413 were families and 242 were single people. Temporary Accommodation used by the Council includes:B&Bs and hotels, hostels, private rented homes and Housing Association homes.
Households placed into TA do not currently contribute towards the rental and Council Tax costs or the utilities (gas, water and electricity) they use. The Council also meet the full cost of storage of personal belongings.
The Housing and Homelessness service reported an overspend of £3 million in 2018/19, despite an additional £2.7 Million of resource. This overspend is set to increase unless the Council undertakes a range of activities to both reduce spend and increase income.
The Council are considering, and would like to consult on, the introduction of a 'Temporary Accommodation Charging Policy'. The proposed policy contains the following elements:
Utilities and Council Tax: Making households in Temporary Accommodation responsible for the Council Tax and the utilities they use.
Storage: Households in temporary accommodation will pay to store their belongings.
Licence Fee: Households who are not entitled to full housing benefit because they work and/or have ‘excess income’ will be asked to make an affordable contribution towards the rent, through a licence fee.
Temporary Accommodation Charging Policy has finished this stage
This consultation is Open for contributions.
Under Review
Temporary Accommodation Charging Policy is currently at this stage
Contributions to this consultation are closed for evaluation and review. The Project team will report back on key outcomes.
Final report
this is an upcoming stage for Temporary Accommodation Charging Policy
The final outcomes of the consultation are documented here. This may include a summary of all contributions collected as well as recommendations for future action.