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Coventry Skills Survey 2025


The aim of this survey is to find out what Coventry residents think about skills training courses in the City.

Skills courses can include: English, Maths, ESOL (English as a second language), Digital Skills (ICT) and Vocational courses such as Childcare, Construction, Security, Business Admin, Accountancy etc.

Your input is valuable and will help us to improve the range of courses available for young people and adults in Coventry. It will also inform our Coventry Skills Strategy, which is planned to be made public in the summer 2025

The survey is short and should take you no more than 5 minutes to complete. 

The deadline for responses is Friday 28th March

The survey is anonymous and all information you give will be treated in the strictest confidence. For further information on how your information will be handled please follow the link to the Privacy Statement.

By completing this survey you can be entered into a draw to win a £50 Love2Shop voucher. 

If you wish to enter the competition please complete the link on the final page of the survey. This form will be kept separate from your survey to ensure anonymity.  The prize draw will take place on the 31st March 2025

0% answered


What is your current employment status?


What is your highest level Qualification? (Please choose the option that is the closest match)


Are you currently taking any skills/ training courses delivered in the Coventry area?


What is currently stopping you from taking a skills/training course? (Please tick all that apply)


What would help you overcome these barriers? (please tick all that apply)


Do you think you need to take a skills/training course?


Which of the below training providers are you aware of? (please tick all that apply) 


Would you be interested in taking any of the below ‘Green Skills’ courses?


Have you dropped out of a skills course because of this?


Where would you be most likely to go to find out information on available skills/training courses? 


How do you prefer to learn?


How do you prefer skills/training courses to be structured (Please tick all that apply)? 


When do you prefer to learn?


Do you feel you have the right skills/training to get the job you would like/ to be able to progress in your career?