September Funding News

#CovConnects grant fund

Maximum value
£ 7,500
Application deadline

The Council’s #CovConnects initiative has opened a new grant fund aimed at helping community organisations in the city tackle digital exclusion and loneliness amongst older adults (55+).

The grant, which is funded through the West Midland's Combined Authority's Connected Services programme, will offer organisations in the Voluntary, Community & Social Enterprise (VSCE) sector the chance to apply for grant funding.

Funding will be attributed to those organisations who can demonstrate how they can use innovative ways to reduce loneliness and digital isolation for older adults in the city.

Projects could range from something as simple as using smart devices to increase independence and communication within the home to using virtual reality headsets to enable meaningful activity within a shared setting.

Organisations will be able to apply for funding packages ranging from £500 to £7,500 to help deliver the projects. If needed, the Council's #CovConnects team are available to support organisations to scope potential programme ideas and assist with applications.

If your organisation is interested in applying for the scheme, then please visit our webpages.

If you want to talk to the #CovConnects team to get more information or an informal chat about your idea, they would love to hear from you. Please drop them an email at

Warburtons Families Matter Community Grants Programme

Maximum value
£ 400
Application deadline

Objectives of Fund

The principle aim of this funding is to focus on supporting families that need help the most, in a way which adheres to their principles of transparency, trust and transformation.

The aim of these small community grants is to support projects, activities and organisations that will be of real direct benefit to families and have a direct and tangible social impact on people’s lives.

Who Can Apply

Not-for-profit organisations with charitable purposes that are operating in England, Scotland and Wales are eligible to apply.

Employees of Warburtons are able to apply on behalf of organisations if they are actively involved with them (e.g. they are a volunteer, trustee, active supporter).

Eligible Expenditure

Funding is available for projects that are working towards one of Warburtons' outcome areas:

  • Health - supporting families to care for each other and lead healthier lives:
    • Improving physical health
    • Improving wellbeing
  • Place - supporting families to flourish in communities that are safer, greener and more inclusive:
    • Making spaces safe and inclusive
    • Connecting communities with the environment
  • Skills - supporting families to gain useful skills for life and work:
    • Developing useful life skills
    • Developing useful skills for employment.

Grants can be used to cover specific costs that will benefit the cause (e.g. purchasing equipment to support an employability project).

How To Apply

Applications are considered quarterly. Decisions are typically made within six weeks of the deadline.

The next rounds are:

  • Q1: 9 August 2023 to 6 November 2023 for decisions by 15 December 2023.

To access the application form, groups should click on the link on the Financial Giving section of the Warburton website

The Primary Club - James Fund

Maximum value
£ 25,000
Application deadline

Fund description

Grants are available for sports and recreational projects for the blind and visually impaired.

The funding is intended to support grass roots and start up sporting and/or recreational projects for the blind and visually impaired in the UK.

Who Can Apply

Clubs and organisations in the UK can apply

Eligible Expenditure

Funding can support a wide variety of projects relating to the sporting and/or recreational needs of the blind and partially sighted. The Trustees are keen to support innovative and/or collaborative projects, ie enabling support to be provided in new ways, or to a wider community, or organisations working together to deliver support which they could not achieve alone.

Running costs and purchasing equipment can be funded.

How To Apply

Applications must be submitted by the deadline of 31 October 2023.

Applicants will be informed by the Trustees' decision by 31 December 2023.

An application form is available to download from The Primary Club website and should be returned to

National Garden Scheme - Community Gardens Grant

Maximum value
£ 5,000
Application deadline

Grants are available to amateur gardeners from community groups in England and Wales to create a garden or similar project with horticultural focus for the benefit of their local community.

Who Can Apply

The funding is only available to projects in England, Northern Ireland and Wales run by amateur gardeners within community groups or Community Interest Companies (CICs).

Eligible Expenditure

The funding is for the creation of a garden or a similar project (such as an allotment) with horticultural focus for the benefit of the local community.

The project should aim to bring a community together by creating a space people can share, by the acquisition and sharing of gardening knowledge and skills and by inspiring a love of gardening.

Funding could cover expenses such as:

  • Site preparation (including hire of small mechanical tools such as rotavators).
  • Hand tools.
  • Plants.
  • Trees.
  • Shrubs.
  • Containers.
  • Seating

How To Apply

The next application round (funding in 2024) is expected to open for applications on 2 October 2023 and close on 13 November 2023.

Application guidelines and an application form are available on the website of the National Garden Scheme

Arnold Clark Community Fund

Maximum value
£ 2,500

Opens early 2024

Objectives of Fund

The Arnold Clark Community Fund helps registered UK charities and community groups close to our branches build stronger communities across the UK. As part of our commitment to give back to the communities in which we operate, we believe that by caring for these communities today, we can help them create a better future

Who Can Apply

Applications will be accepted from:

  • UK registered charities
  • Local community groups
  • Social enterprises
  • Community interest companies
  • Groups of organisations that are community or voluntary led
  • Charitable incorporated organisations

Arnold Clark will review applications when they are received, with charities and local community groups within a 50-mile radius of our branches being prioritised.

How To Apply

Applications are expected to open early 2024.

Once open, the funding will continue on a rolling monthly basis. However, it is recommended that groups apply as early as they can as applications could be paused due to high demand.

Only one application will be accepted per organisation.

The terms and conditions and application forms are available on the Arnold Clark website

Contact Arnold Clark Community Team for further information

Greene King IPA - Proud to Pitch In

Maximum value
£ 4,000
Application deadline

Objectives of Fund

This fund aims to support and promote grassroots sport within local communities by supporting people and projects that run sports activities that positively impact the local community and would tangibly benefit from funding in the short-term.

Individuals may nominate a sports club or organisation to receive a cash grant to continue delivering sports activities.

Who Can Apply

The following types of organisations can be nominated:

  • Community groups and other informal groups.
  • Registered charities.
  • Social enterprises.
  • Community amateur sports clubs (CASCs).
  • Community interest companies (CICs).
  • Co-operative societies.

Other organisations may be considered if they can demonstrate that any funding awarded will be used exclusively for charitable purposes for the public benefit.

Priority will be given to organisations that can demonstrate how their sports club or project benefits members of the local community.

Examples of projects that have previously received funding include:

  • Renovations of a club’s facilities making them more inclusive and accessible.
  • Coaching qualifications and referee courses.
  • Coaching costs of running existing programmes or new sessions.
  • New equipment and kit.

The project beneficiaries must be aged 18 and over.

How To Apply

The deadline for applications is 31 December 2023.

Guidance notes and the online nomination form are available from the Greene King website.

Successful projects will be announced within one month of the closing date.

Alan Edward Higgs Charity

Maximum value
Application deadline

Objectives of Fund

The charitable trust supports initiatives that bring benefits to Coventry and its community. The charity supports young people, families and children, and those living in disadvantaged areas.

Who Can Apply

Charitable organisations working to benefit inhabitants within a 25-mile radius of Coventry are eligible to apply.

Applications from national organisations are accepted providing they can show that the grant will benefit people living within the specified area.

Priority will be given to the following organisations:

  • Work in a particularly disadvantaged or deprived area.
  • Have limited access to other sources of income.
  • Clearly define the need they are addressing.
  • Clearly demonstrate the benefit to young people.
  • Demonstrate a commitment to service user involvement.
  • Demonstrate partnership working.
  • Offer matched funding opportunities.

Eligible Expenditure

Project, overhead and core costs are supported. Eligible projects should seek to address the following areas of concern:

  • Young people: insecure housing; mental and physical ill health; caring responsibilities; substance misuse; homelessness; criminal convictions and being a care leaver.
  • Families and children: substance abuse, conflict, violence, emotional detachment, debt and homelessness.
  • Resource deprivation: e.g., poor transport infrastructure, absence of safe and secure play space, lack of community meeting places, lack of sporting and recreational facilities, or difficulty in accessing advice and counselling services.

The Trustees are particularly interested projects involving the following:

  • Early years/Early start - social and developmental support.
  • Family support and protection including debt counselling and refuge.
  • Holidays.
  • Access to opportunity and experience.
  • Young Carers.
  • Looked after children and those coming out of care.

How To Apply

Applications can be made at any time.

Applications should be submitted using the online form

Applicants may wish to contact the Alan Edward Higgs Charity to discuss your application and its eligibility before applying.

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