July Funding News


Deadline: end of August

The aim of the fund is to support our residents and communities to thrive. We support ideas and projects that promote mental and physical wellbeing, reduce social isolation, bring communities together and enhance local areas.

Next round of applications are open now!

Check back in here for more details or check Citizen's website for information on previous rounds!(External link)

Health Protection Community Grant

From the 1st of July through to the end of December 2023, community groups and organisations based in Coventry will be able to apply for a small grant to help raise awareness of key health protection messages. The Health Protection Community Grant scheme can be accessed through the Public Health team at Coventry City Council.

This purpose of this grant is to help local community and voluntary groups to raise awareness of a variety of health protection topics.

What are the health protection topics?

The health protection messages we want help to raise awareness of include:

  • Vaccination for older adults
  • Vaccinations for pregnant women
  • Oral Health
  • Measles
  • Sexual Health
  • Tuberculosis (TB)

For more information on the scheme and to access the application form please see our webpage health-protection(External link)

You can also request the application form and more information direct from the team at: HPTeam@coventry.gov.uk(External link)

Community Organisations Cost of Living Fund

£10,000 - £75,000

deadline: Noon 16th October 2023


the grants can cover some retrospective costs incurred between 24 July 2023 and the date a grant is offered.

All funding must be spent by 31 March 2024.

The Community Organisations Cost of Living Fund is provided by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) and administered on its behalf by the National Lottery Community Fund (NLCF).

Objectives of Fund:

The funding is intended for charities and voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations that are experiencing increased demand for critical services and increased costs in delivering them.

The main priority is to fund organisations supporting low-income households and individuals.

To be eligible, applicants must already run critical services around at least one of the following:

  • Food and emergency supplies

  • Emergency shelter

  • Safe spaces

  • Warmth

  • Financial and housing advice

Organisations must also be facing both:

  • Increased demand for these critical services, and

  • Increased costs of delivering these critical services.


  • Brand new services. Funding is only for existing, adapted or expanded services.

  • Services being delivered outside of England.

  • Applications that only ask for retrospective costs, without any cost for future delivery of services.

  • Expanding or adapting existing services between 24 July 2023 and when the grants are offered (note: existing services in this time can be funded).

  • Larger building works or maintenance, or any refurbishment work that is not completed and paid for by 31 March 2024

  • Purchase of buildings or land

Eligible Expenditure

The funding can be used to cover both project and core costs retrospectively from July 2023 until 31 March 2024.

Funding is only for existing, adapted or expanded services and will support:

  • Staff salaries for the service(s) being applied for.

  • Volunteer costs for the service(s) being applied for.

  • Service delivery – including any direct costs associated with delivering, expanding or adapting the services

  • Very small-scale refurbishment needed to deliver the expanded or adapted service(s) being applied for.

  • Improvements to systems and infrastructure needed to deliver the expanded or adapted services.

  • Training and development for staff and volunteers delivering the services being applied for.

  • Organisational development and capacity building (as long as this is not the focus of the application).

  • A share of the applicant organisation’s overheads needed to run the services.

NOTE: the retrospective costs that can be funded are:

  • Existing staff costs for running the service(s).

  • Existing volunteer costs for running the service(s).

  • A share of the organisation’s overheads for the service(s)

Helpful links:

https://www.tnlcommunityfund.org.uk/funding/programmes/community-organisations-cost-of-living-fund#section-2(External link)

GSK Health Inequalities Programme


Deadline: 14/08/2023

Objectives of Fund

The funding is aimed at very small charities working in their communities to address health inequalities and who find it hard to access unrestricted funding and support for their leaders. This is particularly true for organisations who themselves may experience disadvantage, such as those led by people from ethnic minority communities, people with disabilities, people from the LGBTQ+ community and others.

The Programme will support aspirational leaders who want to develop their organisations. It is designed to run alongside the GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) IMPACT Awards and support the next generation of award winners.

Up to 15 places are available on an online leadership programme. The programme will be delivered by The King’s Fund, and provide participants with the opportunity to develop their capability and confidence to lead both operationally and strategically.

The awards are as follows:

  • Up to 15 charities will receive up to £10,000 in unrestricted funding.

  • Award winners will also be offered access to training and development valued at £2,700.

The organisation must:

  • Be a registered charity by the application deadline of 14 August 2023.

  • Have existed for a minimum of one year by 14 August 2023.

  • Have a total annual income of between £20,000 and £150,000 as shown in their most recent accounts.

  • Be independently constituted from any national umbrella organisation.

  • Be able to demonstrate how they are tackling health inequalities in their community, which can be defined as a geographical community or a community of interest.

You could be:

  • working to make health services more accessible, appropriate or welcoming to the communities they serve

  • supporting communities to access health services

  • providing specific services to communities to support their health and wellbeing, increase uptake of screening services, improve healthy lifestyles or other similar activity.

  • using focused interventions to ensure parts of the community that have traditionally been under-served or have experienced marginalisation have access to appropriate services

Helpful links:

The King's Fund - GSK Health Inequalities Programme
https://www.kingsfund.org.uk/projects/gsk-impact-awards/gsk-health-inequalities-programme(External link)

JoJo Maman Bébé - Helping Hands Community Grants


deadline: 15/08/2023

Objectives of Fund

The funding aims to support causes that are in need of financial assistance and ensure the JoJo Maman Bébé brand continues to remain at the heart of the communities in which they are based.

The fundings is for local community projects across the UK and Ireland with up to six winners chosen by a public vote.

There is particular interest in projects which benefit a diverse range of individuals, demonstrate environmental awareness or support pregnant women and young children.

How To Apply:

Entries will be shortlisted by the JoJo Maman Bébé Board of Directors, the final round to select the winners will be decided by a public vote hosted on the official JoJo Maman Bébé Facebook brand page. The winning community projects to receive the grants will be announced in September.

The guidelines and application form can be found on the JoJo Maman Bebe website. The completed application form should be submitted by email to JoJo Maman Bebe.

Helpful links:

JoJo Maman Bebe - Helping Hands Community Grants
https://www.jojomamanbebe.co.uk/communitygrants(External link)

Better Community Business Network


Deadline: 27/08/2023

Objectives of Fund

Funding is intended to improve the quality of life and expectations of people and their communities, especially those who come from disadvantaged or socially deprived backgrounds.

Who Can Apply

The following types of organisation may apply:

  • Community, self-help or voluntary groups.

  • Charities, including local branches of national charities.

  • Organisations with charitable aims.


  • Part-funding of projects.

  • Running costs and expenses.

Helpful links:

Better Community Business Network Grant Initiative
http://bcbn.org.uk/grant-initiative/(External link)

£2000 - £5000


Objectives of Fund

The scheme aims to fund projects with a social welfare focus and those working with disadvantaged people.

Most grants tend to be between £2,000 and £5,000, with an occasional larger grant.

The directors are particularly interested in supporting the following areas of charitable work:

  • Medical research.

  • Care of the elderly.

  • General welfare.

  • Hospices.

  • The deaf and blind.

  • Care of the physically and mentally disabled.

  • The Armed Forces.

Helpful links:

The Inman Charity
http://www.inmancharity.org/(External link)

Help the Homeless


deadline: 15/09/2023

Objectives of Fund

Help the Homeless provides funding for registered charities with the aim of helping homeless people return to the community and enabling them to rebuild their lives.

Funding is targeted at projects to find practical ways to help disadvantaged individuals return to the community through training or residential facility provision, rather than merely providing short term shelter.

The reasons for being homeless vary enormously, but may include ill-health, those who are discharged offenders, addictions, family breakdown or other adverse circumstances. Homelessness is not just about the people that the public sees and thinks about – principally “rough sleepers” living on the streets – but a whole range of people who lack a stable home.


The following are not eligible for funding:

  • Core and running costs (ie salaries, rent, etc)

  • Computers.

  • IT equipment.

Eligible Expenditure:

The funding is for capital projects.

Projects must assist individuals in their return to mainstream society, rather than simply offering shelter or other forms of sustenance.

Applicants requiring funding for building work and refurbishment are advised to contact CRASH, the construction industry's charity for homeless people for advice.

Helpful links:

Help the Homeless
http://www.help-the-homeless.org.uk/(External link)

Help the Homeless - Grants

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