1. How long is the consultation period?
2. What is the proposed date of relocation of the schools?
Further work is required to establish a project programme. However, an initial target has been set for Woodfield School to be operational on the new site by September 2022.
3. What would the process be of closing the current Woodfield School sites and moving pupils, staff, equipment, etc. across to the new site?
Pupils would remain on their current site until the new building is ready. More information will be available as the project progresses in the form of information events and newsletters.
4. Do you envisage any other potential uses of the site?
There have been no discussions yet with other services. However, we are exploring the option of other services taking up appropriate occupation on the site; this would only be professionals that could add value to the school.
5. If the sale of the two Woodfield sites exceeded the shortfall, would Woodfield benefit from this?
The funds from the sale of the two sites would be ring-fenced for Education purposes.
6. What is the condition of the existing Woodlands site?
The existing school buildings are Grade II listed and, due to their age and condition, will require significant works to bring them up to current building regulations and educational standards.
7. How many of the buildings on the existing Woodlands site are listed?
13 of the 16 buildings on site are listed.
8. What types of facilities would Woodfield’s new school site benefit from?
The proposal includes refurbishing and adapting the existing listed buildings, creating modern learning spaces specifically tailored to the needs of the pupils and maintaining the community sports facilities.
9. It is proposed that the Woodlands site becomes both a site for Woodfield primary and secondary pupils, and the wider public. How would the primary and secondary sites be segregated, and what safeguarding measures would be put into place?
Woodfield School will benefit from having a shared site however, the primary and secondary phases would retain distinct areas while both utilising the Broad Lane entrance for entry and exit. The external sports provision for community use within the school site will continue to be available outside of school hours only. The shared sports facility at the front of the site will be timetabled to ensure both public and school use is effectively managed. The safeguarding of pupils is of the highest importance and will be considered throughout the project.
10. What are the proposed numbers across the primary and secondary sites?
The Woodlands site previously had capacity for over 1000 pupils. The figures for the new school are not yet finalised, however it is expected that around 250 SEN places will be commissioned in a phased approach.
11. How much involvement will current staff have in the design and planning of the new site?
This information has been shared with the Woodfield School headteacher and staff are invited to take part in this consultation.
12. Why can’t the Council invest in the current Woodfield sites?
The current sites cannot facilitate the increase in numbers required. We would look at what is working well at the current sites in order to replicate this on the new site.
13. Other than moving to a new school site, what are the other options?
The other option is to remain on the current site, where it is not feasible to fund further work as it cannot deliver the increase in places required. If the schools remain on their current sites, Coventry may receive a free school in order to deliver a sufficient number of special school places.
14. Is there an intention to incorporate nursery and post-16 facilities?
There are currently no plans for this, but could be considered if funding, need and timetabling were available.
15. Will there be an option for girls to be admitted to Woodfield School?
This hasn’t been proposed at this stage and any decision would be dependent on need and further discussion with the schools.
16. How many classes would there be?
This would be dependent on the number of places required and negotiated with governors. We would intend for similar class sizes to be kept and the number of classes increased.
17. Can you guarantee that new pupils placed at the school would meet the criteria for the school, and not just placed there because there is an increased number of places regardless of their individual needs?
This relates to the school’s admissions policy. Other special schools are also expanding their numbers to meet need to create a more effective mixed economy of care and support.
18. What is the security of the school’s current support staff?
If the primary and secondary schools moved site, staffing would be a governor and school leadership decision. However, there is a need for increasing and enhancing capacity, with the number of pupils coming through from primary.
19. My child currently receives travel assistance to school because he/she is eligible under the distance criteria. The Woodlands site is closer to our home address; would my child continue to receive travel assistance?
Yes. Any child currently on roll at Woodfield School – and receiving travel assistance – would continue to receive this assistance for their remaining time at the school. The Coventry Travel Assistance Policy and application form can be found online at: http://www.coventry.gov.uk/info/256/travel_assistance/3135/travel_assistance/1
20. The ‘continuation and expansion of the community sporting provision’ from the leaflet – what does this look like?
Part of the site is currently for community use for sport, including Power league, specialist gymnastics, wheelchair basketball and cheerleading. The vision would be to encourage further use in the future. Whilst pupils would have timetabled use of these facilities during school time, the intention is that it continues to be open for community use in the evenings and weekends.
21. Can each school have its own sports facilities?
The primary and secondary sites would have their own separate outdoor spaces in addition to the shared indoor facilities.
22. Are the sites allocated as a housing site in the Coventry Local Plan?
Woodfield Primary School (Stoneleigh Road): the Woodfield Primary School site is allocated for residential development (H2:21) within the Coventry Local Plan.
Woodfield Secondary School Site (Hawthorn Land): the land surrounding Woodfield Secondary School is designated as Local Green Space.
23. Will there be any affordable housing?
There are currently no proposals to have affordable/social housing on the Woodfield Primary site off Stoneleigh Road.
24. What about the effects on traffic?
As part of the outline planning application process, a transport assessment will be provided for each site which will indicate any impact in increased traffic from the new houses on the existing road network.
25. What about ecology and wildlife?
Preliminary Ecological Appraisals Reports will be produced for each development site and where required protected species surveys will be undertaken. Any required mitigation will be incorporated through detailed design.
26. Will there be any open/green areas on the developments?
Woodfield Primary School (Stoneleigh Road): the site is in a conservation area and as such the indicative development plan has been designed to retain as much open/green space as possible.
Woodfield Secondary School Site (Hawthorn Land): the site is adjacent protected woodland and hedgerow.