This survey ends on Wednesday 22 July 2020
Before today, were you aware of St Mary's Guildhall?
Improving St. Mary's Guildhall
Please rank the following methods of digital interpretation with 1 being the method you most like and 4 being the method you least like
Please rank the following methods of traditional interpretation with 1 being the method you most like and 5 being the method you least like
Which of the following types of events and activities would interest you?
Which of the following themes would you be interested in learning more about in relation to the Guildhall?
Which of the following accessibility improvements would encourage you to visit the Guildhall? Please tick all that apply
If improvements were made would you consider visiting St Mary's Guildhall?
If a charge was was introduced following improvements, what do you think would be a reasonable charge per adult per visit before concessions. You might want to think about what you have paid to visit other attractions.
Maximum 255 characters
Can you tell us about an attraction that you thought was good value for money and/or gave you a high quality experience and why?
Are you associated with any local charity or community group that would be interested in hiring parts of the Guildhall at a subsidised cost for performance, workshop or practice place if it is refurbished?
Would you be interested in volunteering at St. Mary's Guildhall?
Do you think that your future use of indoor visitor attractions, including St Mary’s Guildhall, will be affected by the COVID-19 pandemic?
Which of the following things would make you feel more comfortable in visiting the Guildhall as we emerge from COVID-19 restrictions? Please tick all that apply
About you
These questions help us to understand how different groups of people feel about the Guildhall. You do not need to answer these questions. The information you give us will be stored securely in accordance with our privacy policy.
What is your postcode?
How many children (under 16 years) live in your household?
How many adults (over 16 years) live in your household?
Which of the following best describes your ethnic background?
How do you describe your gender?
Which age group are you in?
What is your religion or belief?
Do you consider yourself to be a disabled person?