0% answered
What is your current employment status? (please tick all that apply)
What is your highest level qualification? (Please choose the option that is the closest match)
What is currently stopping you from taking a skills/training course? (Please tick all that apply)
What would help you overcome these barriers? (please tick all that apply)
Which of the below training providers are you aware of?
Are there any more skills/training courses you would like to see provided?
Is there anything you did not enjoy about your previous skills/training courses?
Have you ever dropped out of a skills course because of this?
What would make learning more enjoyable for you?
Where would you go to find out information on available skills/training courses? (tick all that apply)
How do you prefer to learn?
How do you prefer skills/training courses to be structured? (Please tick all that apply)
When do you prefer to learn?
Do you feel you have the right skills/training to get the job you would like/to be able to progress in your career?