When does the public consultation period start?

    The public consultation period starts on Monday 9 September and closes on Monday 4 November 2024.

    Have the Council already made up their mind about these proposals? Is there any point in people having their say about them?

    These are proposals only – and it’s really important that we hear you at this early stage so that we can understand your views as we develop them further.

    How can I have my say?

    There are a number of ways that you can get involved during the consultation. A consultation survey can be completed online, and paper copies of the survey can also be completed at a number of locations including many Libraries and Family Hubs. 

    There are also a number of opportunities to join in person and online consultation sessions where information about proposals will be presented and questions can be asked.

    What happens after the public consultation?

    Following the public consultation, feedback on proposals will be considered and recommendations will be made to Elected Members.


    Subject to decisions taken by Elected Members, consideration will be given to any potential impacts on Coventry City Council staffing levels and structures and a separate Coventry City Council staff consultation would take place as required. This would be supported by Human Resources and would follow the Management of Change process.

    Will these proposals help the Council save money?

    Yes, subject to decisions taken by Elected Members following public consultation, the proposals would contribute to the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy which was agreed through the budget setting process.  

    What will happen to the buildings that services are moved from? (I.e. Will they be sold or rented to other groups?)

    We are consulting at an early stage on these proposals and are still exploring potential options for the buildings that would be vacated.

    How much money does the council aim to save per year as a result of the changes?

    Developing One Coventry Services is one element of the ‘Implementing the One Coventry Delivery Model’ proposal that was agreed in the budget earlier this year. The total anticipated saving of 'Implementing the One Coventry Delivery Model' is £3m in 2024/25 rising to £4m in 2025/26 and 2026/2027. The development of One Coventry Services is expected to contribute to the delivery of these savings. We are consulting on the proposals, and savings values for these elements will be better understood as they are developed further following consultation.

    How can I get involved if I don’t have access to the internet?

    You can attend a session in person to find out information about the proposals and ask questions. There will also be paper copies of the consultation survey available at a range of community locations, including many libraries and family hubs.

    Will the council still be running the libraries in their new locations?

    The council will continue to be responsible for library services where changes are proposed