When does the public consultation period start?
The public consultation period starts on Monday 9 September and closes on Monday 4 November 2024.
Have the Council already made up their mind about these proposals? Is there any point in people having their say about them?
These are proposals only – and it’s really important that we hear you at this early stage so that we can understand your views as we develop them further.
How can I have my say?
There are a number of ways that you can get involved during the consultation. A consultation survey can be completed online, and paper copies of the survey can also be completed at a number of locations including many Libraries and Family Hubs.
There are also a number of opportunities to join in person and online consultation sessions where information about proposals will be presented and questions can be asked.
What happens after the public consultation?
Following the public consultation, feedback on proposals will be considered and recommendations will be made to Elected Members.
Subject to decisions taken by Elected Members, consideration will be given to any potential impacts on Coventry City Council staffing levels and structures and a separate Coventry City Council staff consultation would take place as required. This would be supported by Human Resources and would follow the Management of Change process.
Will these proposals help the Council save money?
Yes, subject to decisions taken by Elected Members following public consultation, the proposals would contribute to the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy which was agreed through the budget setting process.
What will happen to the buildings that services are moved from? (I.e. Will they be sold or rented to other groups?)
We are consulting at an early stage on these proposals and are still exploring potential options for the buildings that would be vacated.
How much money does the council aim to save per year as a result of the changes?
Developing One Coventry Services is one element of the ‘Implementing the One Coventry Delivery Model’ proposal that was agreed in the budget earlier this year. The total anticipated saving of 'Implementing the One Coventry Delivery Model' is £3m in 2024/25 rising to £4m in 2025/26 and 2026/2027. The development of One Coventry Services is expected to contribute to the delivery of these savings. We are consulting on the proposals, and savings values for these elements will be better understood as they are developed further following consultation.
How can I get involved if I don’t have access to the internet?
You can attend a session in person to find out information about the proposals and ask questions. There will also be paper copies of the consultation survey available at a range of community locations, including many libraries and family hubs.
Will the council still be running the libraries in their new locations?
The council will continue to be responsible for library services where changes are proposed
There is not enough information in these proposals, how can I provide meaningful feedback?
The proposals include the information that we currently hold, your views and feedback will help shape the development of the proposals further.
What is the cost of the consultation?
The Council has not used external resources for the consultation. The costs have been limited to minimal printing costs and the consultation has been coordinated by council staff.
When would changes happen?
Once the public consultation ends on 4th November, we will review all feedback on the proposals.
Based on this feedback, recommendations will be made to the Elected Members, likely around February 2025.
f the Elected Members approve any proposals, we will start to put them into place, following any additional consultations that may be necessary.
The timeframe for any changes will be different depending on each proposal.
What would the impact be for staff be?
After the public consultation, we will review the feedback on our proposals and provide recommendations to the Elected Members.
Depending on their decisions, we will assess any potential effects on the staffing levels and structures of Coventry City Council.
If needed, we will hold a separate consultation for employees, which will be supported by our Human Resources department and will adhere to the Council's Security of Employment (SOE) Agreement
Have you considered what the impact would be for older people/children/people with disabilities?
We have completed the initial Equalities Impact Assessments.
These use available information and data to evaluate how proposals might affect protected groups.
Protected Groups include individuals defined by age, disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief, sex, and sexual orientation.
Feedback gathered during the consultation will help us better understand the potential impacts on these groups. We will continue to update the Equalities Impact Assessments based on this feedback.
What are the details of what the proposed new space would look like?
We are consulting on proposals at an early stage of development.
This means some details are not yet known.
Where changes to service offers are expected this information has been included as part of each individual proposal.
How has the consultation been communicated/promoted to people?
Opportunities to take part in the consultation have been promoted in a number of ways including:
· On the Council’s Let’s Talk Consultation Platform
· Through paper surveys, leaflets and posers at 25 locations including Family Hubs and Libraries
· On Social Media posts on Facebook and X
· On the Council’s internal intranet site
· In newsletters such as the Coventry Library Service Newsletter
· Sent digitally to all Family Hub Service Users
· Shared with Elected Members
· On digital screens at a number of council buildings including libraries and family hubs and via PC screens at libraries
· Through emails out to over 140 partner organisations including schools, voluntary sector organisations, health colleagues etc.
· Through a Young person's survey that has been developed and shared with schools
· Through attendance at community partnership meetings that have taken place during the consultation period
· We are also aware that a number of Partners, Elected Members and Residents, have further supported promotion of the consultation through their networks.