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One Coventry Services

This survey is being carried out by Coventry City Council, in line with the UK GDPR Data Protection Act 2018. The data controller is Coventry City Council. The information collected in this survey will be used by Coventry City Council officers to help inform our One Coventry Services proposals. We may share the results of the survey with our partners when appropriate. All information produced will be anonymised. The data processor is Bang the Table. Information is stored on servers in the United Kingdom and Bang the Table gives an undertaking never to disclose the survey questions or your responses to others without permission. More information on how we handle personal information and your rights under the Data Protection legislation can be found in our privacy notice.

0% answered

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How are you responding to this survey? (please select one)

Maximum 255 characters


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If implemented, how do you think this proposal would impact you and those you know? (please select one)

Choice of services
Distance to travel
Opening hours

Finally, what types of information, services or support would you find helpful to access in one location or space (please select as many that apply)