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Community Safety Plan 2024 to 2026

Have your say on our draft Joint Community Safety Plan for 2024 to 2026.

One of our key priorities as a council is ensuring residents have a powerful voice when it comes to how their services are designed. This consultation is for all our stakeholders to be involved in designing an effective Community Safety Plan for Coventry


Consultation overview


Coventry Community Safety Partnership is a group of organisations working together to ensure that the City remains a safe place. The Community Safety Partnership has identified two main priorities for keeping it safe over a three-year period: protecting the most vulnerable from harm (local priority one), and strengthen and improve local communities to improve outcomes for local people (local priority two).


Aims of the plan


This draft plan intends to identify issues of Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) and how local residents feel about crime and safety in Coventry and aims to protect any individual or group of people affected by crime or disorder, whilst focusing on the most vulnerable people or groups. 


The draft plan sets out how all partners will work together to:

  • Protect vulnerable people
  • Prevent crime
  • Build strong, resilient communities


Who we are consulting


Members of the public, agencies, businesses, and community organisations.


Why we are consulting


We want to ensure that your views as stakeholders and residents of Coventry are considered when creating the Joint Community Safety Plan.

The information you provide will be shared within the partnership and with the West Midlands Police Commissioners Office, this will help to ensure that resource is given where it is needed most and evidence any changes to the draft strategy. Information about  how we use your information is detailed within our privacy policy.


0% answered

Select option

I feel safe during the day, when I am out and about in my neighbourhood.
I feel safe after dark, when I am out and about in my neighbourhood
Over the last twelve months levels of Anti-Social behaviour have decreased
Over the last twelve months levels of crime have increased
My feelings about the levels of crime, antisocial behaviour and personal safety have changed in the past year

Have you or anyone you know been a victim of Anti Social Behaviour (ASB) or crime in the last 12 months?


Do you go into Coventry City Centre on a regular basis during the day?


Do you go into Coventry City Centre on a regular basis in the evening/ at night-time ?