Homefinder Review

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Coventry Homefinder

There is an increasing demand for housing in Coventry. There are approximately 14,000 households registered on Coventry Homefinder.

This means have reviewed the current Homefinder Policy and the system for allocating social housing. We have consulted on proposals for change.

The outcome of the consultation was reported to the Council’s Cabinet on 18 February 2020. It was at this meeting the Cabinet approved a revised policy. The Cabinet Report (item 5 on agenda) – explains the recommendations and next steps in more detail. You can also look at our updated Frequently Asked Questions for more information on next steps following the Cabinet Decision to review the revised policy.

There is no need to take any action now. Applications to the register and priority banding applications are still being accepted. Current Homefinder applicants can continue to bid for housing.

In Autumn 2020 the Homefinder team will contact all current applicants to explain what they will need to do next. This page will be updated as the review progresses.

Coventry Homefinder

There is an increasing demand for housing in Coventry. There are approximately 14,000 households registered on Coventry Homefinder.

This means have reviewed the current Homefinder Policy and the system for allocating social housing. We have consulted on proposals for change.

The outcome of the consultation was reported to the Council’s Cabinet on 18 February 2020. It was at this meeting the Cabinet approved a revised policy. The Cabinet Report (item 5 on agenda) – explains the recommendations and next steps in more detail. You can also look at our updated Frequently Asked Questions for more information on next steps following the Cabinet Decision to review the revised policy.

There is no need to take any action now. Applications to the register and priority banding applications are still being accepted. Current Homefinder applicants can continue to bid for housing.

In Autumn 2020 the Homefinder team will contact all current applicants to explain what they will need to do next. This page will be updated as the review progresses.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    There is an increasing demand for affordable housing in Coventry. There are approximately 14,000 households currently registered on Coventry Homefinder, but only 1,446 properties were let between April 2018 and March 2019. The Council believes that social housing should be allocated to those people with the greatest housing need. The Council does not own any homes, but it does have agreements with Registered Providers (Housing Associations) in the city to allocate their homes through Coventry Homefinder. The Coventry Homefinder Policy provides a set of rules for deciding who has the most urgent need for housing and how properties are let. We are thinking about changing these rules.

    Please see our key changes document. 

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Page last updated: 02 Mar 2020, 10:23 AM