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Voluntary & Community Organisations Survey

Coventry City Council would like to gain local knowledge about what’s happening within our communities, we want to understand the assets and the needs in local areas. This information will be used to inform the planning and commissioning of health, wellbeing and social care services

The information you share with us in this survey will be used to help inform the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA), and will provide a snapshot of the health and wellbeing in each of the family hub areas across Coventry.

 5 Family Hub area reports have already been completed and published, and can be found here. The remaining Family Hub Areas to be finalised are: Aspire, Park Edge and Pathways.

The insight you share with us will be used as part of our JSNA reports for the remaining 3 area profiles.

Maximum 255 characters



Which areas of Coventry does your organisation cover?

* required