The survey closed on Sunday 11 April 2021.
How are you responding to this survey?
How often do you currently cycle?
Do you support the idea of segregated cycleways like this one - cycleways which are physically separated from traffic?
Are there any elements of the planned Cannon Park Cycleway which you think could be improved to make it better for people living and/or working nearby? Please include location details where appropriate.
Is there anywhere else in the city you would like to see segregated cycle routes?
Do you have any other comments about Cannon Park Cycleway?
About you
Please provide some information about yourself so that we can monitor which groups of people are taking part in the consultation. All data will be held securely. You are under no obligation to complete any question in this section of the survey if you do not wish to.
What is your postcode?
Maximum 255 characters
How old are you?
How would you best describe yourself?
How would you describe your ethnic background?
Do you consider yourself to be a disabled person?