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We have identified a list of tough savings proposals that we need to consider ahead of setting our budget in February 2025.
Before then we are asking residents, community groups, businesses and other organisations to look at the savings proposals being considered and to give their feedback.
All comments are very welcome. The consultation means there is an opportunity for local people of all ages to see the savings proposals and to tell us what they think of them and suggest alternatives.
The Council’s faces a £10.8m net gap for 25/26 largely due to further financial pressures in social care and housing.
Eighty per cent of everything the Council spends goes on three areas – homelessness, adult social care and children’s social care – leaving just 20 per cent to pay for hundreds of services.
The Council has had to carry out financial actions that has meant significant reductions in staff from 10,000 to 5,000 over the past 15 years and made savings across every service, every year.
In this year’s pre-budget report the savings proposals are very challenging and have been listed out of necessity. We ran a survey in October, based on what services matter most to people including but we still have to look at how we can make savings on these services too.
The Council must achieve a balanced budget in April 2025, by law. If it can’t then there is every possibility that it would have to issue a Section 114 notice and would effectively be taken over by commissioners.
Savings proposals being considered include:
A savings target across senior management posts.
Savings across adults’ and children’s social care.
Reductions in cleaning services.
Reductions in parks services.
Charging at the War Memorial Park car park.
Removing the Community Support Grant for one year, offset by the extended Household Support Grant.
Reducing Council Tax support discount from 80% to 75%.
Reducing the number of portacabins set up at elections.
Reducing contributions to the voluntary sector.
So please do get involved and have your say. We really value your opinions. Please read our Pre-Budget Report and our list of Proposalsas well as the Equality Impact Assessments for each proposal,before you take the survey.
If you are completing on a laptop/computer the documents are on the right hand side of this page, if you are completing this on a mobile they are below the survey link.
Please note that the Equality Impact Assessments will be updated as new information becomes available
The deadline for responses is 28 January 2025.
We’d love to talk to you about the Council budget and answer any questions you have. We are holding workshops where you can learn more about our budget proposals and tell us what your think. The dates and times are on the right hand side of this page.
If you would like to request a paper copy of the survey or need this information in another format or language then please contact us on 08085 834333 or email
We have identified a list of tough savings proposals that we need to consider ahead of setting our budget in February 2025.
Before then we are asking residents, community groups, businesses and other organisations to look at the savings proposals being considered and to give their feedback.
All comments are very welcome. The consultation means there is an opportunity for local people of all ages to see the savings proposals and to tell us what they think of them and suggest alternatives.
The Council’s faces a £10.8m net gap for 25/26 largely due to further financial pressures in social care and housing.
Eighty per cent of everything the Council spends goes on three areas – homelessness, adult social care and children’s social care – leaving just 20 per cent to pay for hundreds of services.
The Council has had to carry out financial actions that has meant significant reductions in staff from 10,000 to 5,000 over the past 15 years and made savings across every service, every year.
In this year’s pre-budget report the savings proposals are very challenging and have been listed out of necessity. We ran a survey in October, based on what services matter most to people including but we still have to look at how we can make savings on these services too.
The Council must achieve a balanced budget in April 2025, by law. If it can’t then there is every possibility that it would have to issue a Section 114 notice and would effectively be taken over by commissioners.
Savings proposals being considered include:
A savings target across senior management posts.
Savings across adults’ and children’s social care.
Reductions in cleaning services.
Reductions in parks services.
Charging at the War Memorial Park car park.
Removing the Community Support Grant for one year, offset by the extended Household Support Grant.
Reducing Council Tax support discount from 80% to 75%.
Reducing the number of portacabins set up at elections.
Reducing contributions to the voluntary sector.
So please do get involved and have your say. We really value your opinions. Please read our Pre-Budget Report and our list of Proposalsas well as the Equality Impact Assessments for each proposal,before you take the survey.
If you are completing on a laptop/computer the documents are on the right hand side of this page, if you are completing this on a mobile they are below the survey link.
Please note that the Equality Impact Assessments will be updated as new information becomes available
The deadline for responses is 28 January 2025.
We’d love to talk to you about the Council budget and answer any questions you have. We are holding workshops where you can learn more about our budget proposals and tell us what your think. The dates and times are on the right hand side of this page.
If you would like to request a paper copy of the survey or need this information in another format or language then please contact us on 08085 834333 or email
Councils across the country are still battling rising prices and increasing demands on their services. This is set against a backdrop of significant historic reductions in core funding – in Coventry’s case more than £100m less each year since 2010 – which adds to the pressure on the hundreds of services we deliver every year.
We know we cannot do everything we would like to, but we can make sure that we give everyone the opportunity to have a say in how we build our budget for 2025/26
We need to make informed decisions about where to focus our spending.
This survey is being carried out by Coventry City Council, in line with the UK GDPR Data Protection Act 2018. The data controller is Coventry City Council. The information collected in this survey will be used by Coventry City Council officers to help inform our Budget Proposals. We may share the results of the survey with our partners when appropriate. All information produced will be anonymised. The data processor is Bang the Table. Information is stored on servers in the United Kingdom and Bang the Table gives an undertaking never to disclose the survey questions or your responses to others without permission. More information on how we handle personal information and your rights under the Data Protection legislation can be found in our privacy notice.
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